Download mirrors edge game
Download mirrors edge game

Now, I've never been an advocate of checkpoints, much preferring the good old quicksave Some say it makes games too easy, I say you don't have to actually use it if you think that's the case. If you don't make that hurdle, you're left to the mercy of the checkpoint system.

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Elation follows when you've cleared that final hurdle by the skin of your teeth, but herein lies the game's first problem. When the bullets are flying and the police are hot on your heels, there's a distinct feeling of pressure, panic and excitement that builds up as you get closer to that big jump onto the next building.

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You do this by running and jumping a substantial amount, and when you get into the flow of things, all this athletics is really exhilarating.

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Faith is on the opposite side of the law, part of a group of 'runners' -couriers who deliver secret messages by the rooftops of the city, thereby evading the Big Brother-style surveillance of the ruling totalitarian regime. A mayoral candidate has been executed in his office, the murder weapon being Kate's gun. Mirror's Edge involves a young woman (Faith) struggling to clear her cop sister (Kate) of a murder charge. Every good point is balanced out by a bad one, every thrilling escape from the 'blues' (cops) matched by an infuriatingly placed checkpoint. The thing is, both of these groups are right in their own way. I can imagine the comment pages on various websites right now, the fevered defence of the fanboys and sarcastic jibes of the trolls.

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You see, Mirror's Edge is a game that will (and has) split the community down the middle. I'll Be Honest and tell you right now this is one of the trickiest reviews I've had to write for a substantial period of time.

Download mirrors edge game